Order, payment, delivery
Order, payment, delivery
If you opened this page, it means that you liked something in my store London-gift and you have already discovered for yourself worldsouvenir.
So, you decided to make a gift to yourself or your loved one. I am very happy.
For a more pleasant and convenient stay and use on the store's website Souvenirs from England, you will need to register on it.
This will give you the opportunity to add goods to the Your basket, quickly find out information about its availability. In the future in your personal account you will be able to monitor the status of your order.
The assortment in the store is constantly updated and changing.
So, first of all, check the availability of goods by e-mail.
Also, you can add the product to the basket. I will contact you and give complete information.
After you are convinced of the availability of the necessary goods, you can proceed with the process of ordering.
In your letter, please provide your personal information:
Name: address, country, city, index, street, house number, flat number.
To pay for the order, you can use one of the available methods
Payment methods:
- Russia
- Payment by PayPal
- Payment by WU
- Payment Money Gram
- Payment by postal transfer in Russia
You can pay this way to the address in Russian, which will be sent to you by e-mail.
- Ukraine
- Payment by PayPal
- Payment by WU
- Payment Money Gram
- Payment to the Privat Bank card
- Payment by postal transfer in Ukraine
You can pay this way to the address, which will be sent to you by e-mail.
The goods will be delivered from England by post
Parcels reach Russia in 10-15 days
Parcels reach Ukraine 7-8 days
So, if you order is a gift, please order in advance
Your order will be sent within 24 hours after you receive payment from us.
The tracking is available for parcels.
Tracking Sites: